
{looks up at title in disbelief} Um, yeah. "Brief Candle" is not on my list of top Stargate episodes to watch.

In fact, it's one of those ones which I'd like to see sent to Netu.

But it has Janet in it, so here I am. {fast forwards through the beginning scenes on the planet}

For future reference, Janet appears after 18 minutes and fourteen seconds, and is in full doctor mode. Hey, she has cool blue floppies!! Mine are just boring and black! She's been busy with the blood samples Sam bought back from the planet, and has found nanites there!

She really only works with Sam and the nanocytes during this episode. But she argues with Hammond in the briefing room. She's really not intimidated by him at all. I can't believe it took him four years to accept that it's really Janet who’s in charge of this whole operation! (See "Entity")

Okay, it appears that by fast forwarding all the parts on the planet, this episode can be watched in fifteen minutes – and that includes pausing to type and rewinding a couple of times! Janet's really just Doctor Fraiser in this episode. She's given yet another strange alien problem to solve. I'm sorry I can't be more enthusiastic about it, but hey, we had Janet at least!!

Contributed by Vicki

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