
On a completely random side note before I start, I can't watch the Sara/Jack scenes in this episode without singing "Do It With Madonna". {looks pointedly at LauraJo and grins}

This isn't the only Janet scene is it? {mumbles about episodes which get you all excited when you see Teryl Rothery in the credits (although not the opening ones {grumbles}) and all you get is one tiny scene. More Janet! More I say!)

She's in a holding cell with Jack (again), although this time it's just a physical examination and no human experimentation. Hammond never seems to be appreciative of her enough; she always has to argue her points with him (and always wins, so that's not the problem) She points out that the man is Colonel Jack O'Neill (according to medical evidence, which I think it pretty solid), and nothing Hammond can say will change that (okay, so she doesn't actually say the second bit!). Jack's appreciative of that (as one would imagine!) and is nice and polite to her (although he's probably learnt by now that she can, and will, kick his ass if he doesn't behave! Or at least jab needles in it!)

And, yes, that was the only Janet scene. She rocked in it, obviously! But now I think it's time to indulge in something with a bit more Janet in {grins evilly and reaches for "Hathor"}

Contributed by Vicki

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