
Note: Where there appear to be spaces in the following text, highlight to see comments including spoilers for "Heroes".

Run Janet run!! Resisting. Comment. About. Heels. Has she done something different to her hair?

I love how she goes from commanding to compassionate so easily.

Hey – more sedative!

THE PENLIGHT!! Ahem. I'm not getting overexcited about Janet's penlight. Really.

Janet looks after the three remaining members of SG-1 in the unique ways that they needed. Obviously compassion's a necessary thing for a doctor (or so you'd presume), and that, I believe, is one of her greatest strengths. Bless her.

Oh look, another Hammond-Janet argument. When will he just shut up and listen to her?! She's also clued in to the fact that "with all due respect" does actually mean without any respect at all! I love the little exasperated look she gives once the lift doors close behind Hammond.

Memorial service. {starts to whimper.} Must. Not. Cry. (I've been ignoring the tub of Heroes on top of the fridge.) I do like the fact that Janet gets to stand with SG-1 instead of with the crowd.

Oh God I forgot they played taps. {wipes away tears} Damn it, I'm crying for her at someone else's memorial service {tries to ignore the memory of the one scene in the Sci-Fi Season 7 promo and grabs a tissue}

Janet in civvies!! Her hair looks nice (not that it hasn't looked nice up until now!) She's talking with Hammond – yes, that is talking and not an argument when he decides that he knows best, while the rest of us clearly know that Janet's always right.)

Ahh!! Now she's definitely done something different to her hair! And they're surrounding her, which is pretty intimidating considering they've all got a good few more inches on her! No wonder she walks over to the computer, before they rudely run away while she's talking.

Running again!! Am still trying to resisting commenting on running in heels (not that I can even walk in trainers at the time of writing this!) I do like her hair though. How do they get it to stay up like that?

She's all confused now, when they say that they thought Daniel was coming back. Looks like the start of a headache too… I suspect SG-1 cause most of her headaches ;-)

She's running again! Come on, there's only so many times that I can stop myself commenting on it!

Arghh!!! Doctor McKenzie!! Die! Die! Die!!

Um, surely their "conflict" means that Janet's grounding them, so she'll have to clear them to return to active duty, and not really Hammond? {sighs} George, if you're trying to take back the facility, don't bother! Especially as "Hathor"'s coming soon… hehehe.

"Jack, grow up!" Okay, so she didn't actually say that, but she was thinking it… or something very close! She's the only one who can really control him (for now – Sam will learn the trick too further on in the series, but for now, it's all Janet!)

This was a good episode for Janet, and we got to see her out of the white coat twice!! (Dress blues for Daniel's memorial service and civvies for the wake) Her compassion was key, and it's clear that she really does care about her patients.

Contributed by Vicki

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