
I couldn’t actually remember what this episode was so I just went to the official Stargate website to look it up. I advise against it. It just doesn’t seem to be a good site. They call the invisible assassin a Nirrti instead of an Ashrak, they say that the electromagnetic field is done in a room instead of out in the open and it refers to the “gou’ald empire”. First off, there’s a spelling I haven’t seen yet and an empire has an emperor.

Janet in action mode. Cool.
Hippocratic oath? What Hippocratic oath?

Giving orders. Cooler.
Very nice.

She's in camouflage. Why? How do green camouflages help in a sand pit?
Perhaps they came from a green planet?

Campaign! JITOC! Someone make a LiveJournal icon. Like now.
As I understand it, isn’t it a little late for the campaign?

Got one?
Got what? Milk?

Janet at ceremony. Nice. She's still in the camouflages though. It doesn't work. I can still see you!
It’s not to work when you’re that close, it’s for long distance camouflage.

I haven't mentioned the fact that Janet is off-world. Cool!
Yeah, but it looks a lot like earth.

Janet in Silent Witness/CSI mode. Well cool.
I’m spotting a trend here. “…something about Janet. <superlative> cool!” Get a thesaurus.

You know what? Let's just admit it. Janet is cool.
Okey-dokey. Can we move on now?

An alarm goes off, Janet runs off with everyone else to see what's going on. Why? Doing that is only going to get her into trouble. She should just stay at home. Really. Stay put. Slippers and cocoa. Really. I mean it. She should just… stay put. Not go anywhere.
I thought you said that Janet off world was cool? Hmm?

Janet gets some of the clunky, explanatory dialogue as to what an Ashrak really is. And you know what? She makes it sound cool.

When Jack shoots that big gun round in a circle, it hits the buildings behind him. Janet's in one of those! Oi!
Yeah, but he may have fired the bullets up a teensy bit, say above 5’ 6”.

Bra'tac has practically come back from the dead. He needs rest and medical attention. And yet all Janet is doing is standing beside him. In her green camouflages. And surgical gloves. Good combo. But you know what? She makes it look cool.
Look, Bra’tac is walking, talking and shooting. There are people on the floor doing none of the above. This is called triage. (I mean triage is the practice of sorting casualties by priority, not the standing around in camouflage and surgical gloves.)

Musings by Jen, replies by Matt

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