Note: Where there appear to be spaces in the following text, highlight to see comments including spoilers for "Heroes".
{bounces in anticipation}
“I think I watched it everyday for about a week,” LauraJo confesses, as we wait for the main plot to start (and for Janet to appear). Perhaps not the best episode for us to watch together if we actually want to get any sleep that night, but who cares?!
Hee Janet! Aww bless her, she looks all confused!
Well, it starts with a Daniel/Janet scene, so squee! (And even LauraJo went ‘aww’ at said scene!). She’s holding his hand!!
Her stance in the isolation room is great, as is her attitude to the surfaced inhabitant of Daniel’s body.
{Starts chanting Janet! Janet! Janet!}
Wee! Janet’s got her penlight out, and she’s sitting on Sam’s bed.
Hehe. Janet has a team. And now she’s getting stroppy with Jack. Good for her.
“Just find the small woman...!” {Both of us erupt in helpless giggles.}
As LauraJo comments, she’s clearly well acquainted with Daniel’s body. {grins} [Edit: Did I really say that? ~LJ]
Janet’s very restrained in her conversation with Martise, and then she’s very sympathetic and actually tells Tryan her name.
Huh! Suddenly realised that Janet’s shorter than Daniel when she’s standing and he’s sitting down!
“The body belongs to a man called Daniel Jackson.” Or to her, as it sounds like later. {More giggles from us both.}
She seems to be starting to get a bit desperate here – “there has to be a way.”
Aww bless her after the water demonstration.
…hehe {anticipation}…
“Janet!?” “Daniel?” Squee! (I’m sorry – you want me to write more about that scene? Coherently?!) [Fine! She’s so desperate for him to stay surfaced, and you can tell that she’s really surprised to see him there at first. Awwwww….]
“Dr McKenzie’s still there. Can’t they kill him instead?” LauraJo wants to know. Votes show that 99% of those polled agree! (With there being a 1% discrepancy.)
Aww, it’s Mommy!Janet! Going back to “Heroes” spoilers, LauraJo points out that Janet will never be able to have her own kids. {whimpers} I’d been trying not to think about that.
She’s all wide eyed in the scenes with Keenan, bless her. And then look at how she soothes and calms him down.
Damn Martise!! Ruins a perfectly good moment, and she all but runs away from him (not that I blame her!).
Hehe! The highlight of the entire episode. Janet loses it completely. Janet at her very best.
“I don’t give a damn. You don’t belong in that man’s body and I intend to take it back!!”
LauraJo and I quote along with it, then rewind and watch again. Hee!!
This is the best they’ve used Teryl in anything she’s ever done. As LauraJo says, you just get the chance to see so many sides of her character in just 45 minutes. If Teryl is given half of what she was to work with in this episode in “Heroes” … {whimpers} The damning thing about “Heroes” is that it’s going to be amazing, but so gut-wrenching. (Turn off just as Janet gets shot and head straight over to Chrysalis. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.)
Hehe. She’s so relieved when Tryan returns.
Hang on – we both noticed that it was very deliberate getting Janet to move so that she’s still in shot. LauraJo’s now ‘awwing’ at how proud Janet seems to be of Tryan.
Damn! No Janet reaction shot to the father-son conversation.
Hee! Off-world Janet!! Complete with vest {both bounce}.
And the final shot of Janet is fantastic – absolutely gorgeous.
Ooh! We’re rewinding! “Guess where I’m going?” LauraJo asks, and we giggle again (especially when the rewinding means that some of the expressions are rather unflattering).
“Lifeboat” was billed as a ‘tour de force’ for Michael Shanks, but without Teryl Rothery, it wouldn’t have been half the episode it was. She absolutely stole the show, and her performance is award-worthy in any books!
It’s obvious from earlier episodes where she wasn’t given material as good as this what she is capable of, and she just blows all expectations out of the water with this!
Right. Off to not think about “Heroes” and try to think of how we can try to stop ourselves crying on Teryl Rothery at SG-6. Too much.
Contributed by Vicki