Indexed by Title
A - E | F - J | K - O | P - S | T - Z0 - 9

Indexed by Author
A - E | F - J | K - O | P - S | T - Z

All the fanfiction contained in this index features Janet as one of the main characters, though we welcome stories of any genre.  So, whether you're looking for stories exploring the character's friendships, romantic relationships, or just her professional role within the SGC, we hope you can find what you're looking for.

The stories are indexed by title and author.  Each one will also have a summary and be marked as to rating and genre.  We do accept fanfiction of any rating or pairing, so please be careful to check this information on the index before reading to make sure you don't end up reading something you weren't expecting!

If you would like to submit your work for inclusion on this index, please follow the link to the submissions page and fill out the form you will find there.  We do not normally archive the stories here - we prefer to link to them elsewhere if possible - but if you don't have anywhere to host your work please contact us at and we will arrange something on a case-by-case basis.